EGEC European Geothermal Energy Council

Appel urgent à la Commission européenne en faveur de la géothermie


L’European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC) lance un appel urgent à la Commission européenne pour qu’elle prenne enfin davantage en compte la géothermie dans la transition énergétique.

La présidente de la Commission européenne, Ursula von der Leyen, est la destinataire de la lettre de l’EGEC.

Dans une lettre signée par plus de 150 organisations à travers l’Europe, l’EGEC demande à l’UE d’élaborer d’ici 2023 une stratégie paneuropéenne pour l’exploitation de l’énergie géothermique et l’extraction des terres rares et des minéraux des eaux thermales. Géothermie-Suisse a cosigné la lettre.

Le texte de la lettre du secrétaire général de l’EGEC, Philippe Dumas:

Call for a European strategy on geothermal energy

Dear Commission President von der Leyen

Europe rests on a vast amount of geothermal energy that can provide permanent supplies of renewable heating, cooling, power as well as sustainably sourced lithium and other raw materials, everywhere.

Both the International Energy Agency and ADEME – the French energy agency – found it to be the most cost-effective solution for heating wherever it is used. Yet it remains underdeveloped and often out of sight for EU policy makers. This situation must change now. Especially given the urgent need for a rapid energy transition maximising use of local resources.

Therefore, we call on you to prepare and issue Europe’s strategy on geothermal energy and sustainable raw materials extraction, by 2023. The purpose of the strategy is to unlock geothermal energy’s potential as a major renewable energy source across the internal market and neighbouring countries. This should focus on identifying barriers; proposing measures to accelerate deployment; including heating & cooling infrastructure; the effective maintenance of high environmental standards; de-risking of private investments; sustainable mineral extraction and crowding-in financing to frontload a pipeline of projects that can help deliver on the EU’s new 2030 climate and energy targets, the REpowerEU plan as well as climate neutrality by 2050.

We look forward to working with you to deliver this.

Yours sincerely

Philippe Dumas
Secretary General,
European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC)


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