Lade Veranstaltungen

SCCER-SoE Annual Conference 2020

02.11.2020, 09:00 - 17:00

The final SCCER-SoE Annual Conference 2020 provides an overview of the past eight years, presents insights into the research highlights and ventures a brief look into the future. It will take place on 2nd November 2020. Due to the Corona pandemic, it will be entirely online.

Presentations will cover the major results of eight years SCCER-SoE: What has been achieved? How can hydropower and geoenergy contribute to reach the Swiss climate goal of net-zero emissions by 2050? On this occasion the SCCER will present a number of White Papers that summarize their findings for the interested community.

Registration is required to attend. It will open in October. The participation is free of charge. You will find more information about the SCCER-SoE Annual Conference 2020 on the website:
