GEMex Final Conference in Potsdam
18.02.2020 - 19.02.2020Superhot Geothermal Systems and the Development of EGS – from identification to characterisation and suitable use. The final conference of GEMex will serve as a platform to present and discuss results from the projects and to learn about other researches and projects related to the topics of superhot geothermal sources (SHGS) and hot EGS.
The GEMex project is a research cooperation between a European consortium (funded through H2020) and a Mexican consortium to develop and address exploitation concepts for superhot geothermal resources and for hot Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS). The project includes resource assessment, exploration and characterisation of the deep structures, advanced reservoir models and exploitation concepts incl. drilling, stimulation and operational issues. In addition, environmental impact was assessed and public acceptance was actively investigated.
Contributions are encouraged and welcome addressing any of the aspects associated with the investigation, development and/or exploitation of such geothermal resources in any part of the world.
Event admission is free of charge. For registration to the GEMex Final Conference, please register online until January 24, 2020.